

Holy Communion is one of the critical Sacraments of the church. It symbolically represents the body and blood of Jesus Christ in atonement for our sins.

As ordained by God, Holy Communion is shared once a month or as led by the Holy Spirit. All persons who desire to share in Holy Communion are expected to have addressed any broken relationships, any disharmony with fellow believers, family members and others.


One of the more fundamental Sacraments of the Church observed by Christian Compass Ministries is that of Holy Baptism. Not only is it sacred, Baptism is the life-blood of every believer in Christ. It is a rite of passage by all who embrace and profess the Christian faith. In that regard, baptism is a mandate as Jesus commanded the disciples, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.

Accordingly, Christian Compass Ministries baptizes those persons who have made a profession of faith and desire to be so baptized. Because of its solemn nature and critical function, only those persons above the age of “childhood” are baptized by immersion.



Infants and young children should be “dedicated” to the Lord. Dedication is an act of “setting apart” and consecrating young persons to God. The act of dedication places them under the auspices of their parents/guardians until such time as they are able to comprehend the nature of baptism.



An integral part of our mission is to provide aid and comfort to those who are grieving. Particularly, we focus on those who suffer from depression and loneliness. In addition, we strive to assist those who need answers to financial problems, wills, settlements, pensions and trusts.


At Christian Compass Ministries, couples desiring to be married must complete a 12 – 15 hour course, which includes work assignments, individual assignments, questionnaires, and role-playing sessions. Pre-marital counseling is not a panacea for wholesome nor a productive marriage. It is intended, however, to lay the foundation for dialogue, problem-solving techniques and communication.

Every marriage will be challenged by the unexpected and the unforeseen. Pre-marital counseling is designed to strengthen the marriage relationship and to encourage the couple to make God a priority throughout the life of the marriage.

The Pre-Marital counseling sessions do not have to be completed at Christian Compass Ministries, but completion of a similar course is required. There is a nominal cost to all persons who are not members of Christian Compass Ministries.



Ceremonies for marriage are performed at Christian Compass Ministries for all persons regardless of their religious faith, race or national origin. Procedures and guidelines are outlined in the application for marriage. Pre-Marital counseling is a pre-requisite for weddings at Christian Compass Ministries. There is a nominal cost for all wedding ceremonies.

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